Updated openSUSE Package: lynis 1.2.9

I’m pleased to announce a new Version of our Package lynis. Now we have the Version 1.2.9. The Package is reachable in the openSUSE:Factory:Contrib Repository. This release adds several fixes and improvements for Squid, a few new tests, and improved logging and reporting.

Updated Package for openSUSE: bleachbit 0.7.2

I’m pleased to announce my updated bleachbit Package for openSUSE.

What’s new?

The following changes have been made since 0.7.1:

  • Fix deleting Firefox version 3 passwords.
  • Add new menu option to show system information useful for reporting bugs. Click Help – System Information.
  • Specific to Linux
    • Clean Konqueror cache, history, and cookies.
    • Fix bug launching BleachBit as Administrator on Ubuntu and Debian.
    • Improve the completion notification: do not show if the BleachBit application window is in focus, and if it is not, automatically remove the notification after 10 seconds.

This Package is committed to openSUSE:Factory:Contrib Repo.

Updated Package for openSUSE: rkhunter 1.3.6

I’m pleased to announce the new rkhunter Package for openSUSE.

What’s new in this package? The Project says:

This release offers more ease of use by adding more end-user configuration options and aids detection by adding and improving rootkit and malware checks.

The change log lists 29 additions including 9 configuration options and details for 12 rootkits, 29 changes including improvements for 15 rootkit checks and 22 bugfixes. Naming a few:

  • New IGNORE_PRELINK_DEP_ERR configuration option in case of persistent prelink dependency errors.
  • New USER_FILEPROP_FILES_DIRS configuration option to add files and directories to the file properties check.
  • New COPY_LOG_ON_ERROR configuration option to copy the log file if any errors or warnings have occurred.
  • New WEBCMD configuration option to specify the command used to download data file updates from the Internet.
  • Rkhunter will look for configuration options in the main configuration file, and then in the local configuration file if it exists.
  • New SHARED_LIB_WHITELIST configuration option for whitelisting preloaded shared libraries.
  • New WARN_ON_OS_CHANGE configuration option. If unset then no warnings will be shown.
  • New UPDT_ON_OS_CHANGE configuration option. If set and the O/S has changed then rkhunter will automatically update properties (‚rkhunter –propupd‘).
  • Added support for hash functions SHA224, SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512 using CPAN perl modules Digest-SHA-PurePerl or SHA256.
  • New UPDATE_LANG configuration option.
  • New ALLOWPROMISCIF configuration option.
  • New PKGMGR_NO_VRFY configuration option for fine-grained package manager verification process control.
  • Rootkit checks added: Adore Rootkit (aka strings.o aka Dextenea) cb, CX, Fu, iLLogiC, ld-linuxv.so.1, ‚Spanish‘, trNkit, Xzibit, ZK.
  • Updated rootkit / malware checks: Ambient (ark), beX2, BOBkit, Dica-kit, Dreams, Enye LKM, evil strings test, Fleakit, FreeBSD, Phalanx2, SHV4, Universal (URK).

This Package is now available in openSUSE:Factory:Contrib.

Cyber Security Tip ST04-014: Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks

Cyber Security Tip ST04-014
Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks

Do not give sensitive information to anyone unless you are sure that they
are indeed who they claim to be and that they should have access to the

What is a social engineering attack?

In a social engineering attack, an attacker uses human interaction (social
skills) to obtain or compromise information about an organization or its
computer systems. An attacker may seem unassuming and respectable, possibly
claiming  to  be a new employee, repair person, or researcher and even
offering credentials to support that identity. However, by asking questions,
he or she may be able to piece together enough information to infiltrate an
organization’s  network.  If  an attacker is not able to gather enough
information from one source, he or she may contact another source within the
same organization and rely on the information from the first source to add
to his or her credibility.

What is a phishing attack?

Phishing is a form of social engineering. Phishing attacks use email or
malicious  websites  to  solicit  personal  information by posing as a
trustworthy organization. For example, an attacker may send email seemingly
from a reputable credit card company or financial institution that requests
account information, often suggesting that there is a problem. When users
respond with the requested information, attackers can use it to gain access
to the accounts.

Phishing attacks may also appear to come from other types of organizations,
such as charities. Attackers often take advantage of current events and
certain times of the year, such as
* natural disasters (e.g., Hurricane Katrina, Indonesian tsunami)
* epidemics and health scares (e.g., H1N1)
* economic concerns (e.g., IRS scams)
* major political elections
* holidays

How do you avoid being a victim?

* Be suspicious of unsolicited phone calls, visits, or email messages from
individuals asking about employees or other internal information. If an
unknown individual claims to be from a legitimate organization, try to
verify his or her identity directly with the company.
* Do  not  provide  personal  information  or information about your
organization,  including its structure or networks, unless you are
certain of a person’s authority to have the information.
* Do not reveal personal or financial information in email, and do not
respond to email solicitations for this information. This includes
following links sent in email.
* Don’t send sensitive information over the Internet before checking a
website’s security (see Protecting Your Privacy for more information).
* Pay attention to the URL of a website. Malicious websites may look
identical to a legitimate site, but the URL may use a variation in
spelling or a different domain (e.g., .com vs. .net).
* If you are unsure whether an email request is legitimate, try to verify
it by contacting the company directly. Do not use contact information
provided on a website connected to the request; instead, check previous
statements for contact information. Information about known phishing
attacks is also available online from groups such as the Anti-Phishing
Working Group (http://www.antiphishing.org).
* Install and maintain anti-virus software, firewalls, and email filters
to  reduce  some  of  this  traffic  (see Understanding Firewalls,
Understanding  Anti-Virus  Software,  and  Reducing  Spam for more
* Take advantage of any anti-phishing features offered by your email
client and web browser.

What do you do if you think you are a victim?

* If you believe you might have revealed sensitive information about your
organization,  report  it  to  the  appropriate  people within the
organization, including network administrators. They can be alert for
any suspicious or unusual activity.
* If you believe your financial accounts may be compromised, contact your
financial institution immediately and close any accounts that may have
been compromised. Watch for any unexplainable charges to your account.
* Immediately change any passwords you might have revealed. If you used
the same password for multiple resources, make sure to change it for
each account, and do not use that password in the future.
* Watch for other signs of identity theft (see Preventing and Responding
to Identity Theft for more information).
* Consider reporting the attack to the police, and file a report with the
Federal Trade Commission (http://www.ftc.gov/).

Author: Mindi McDowell

Produced 2004 by US-CERT, a government organization.

Note: This tip was previously published and is being re-distributed to increase awareness.

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Setup: Secure Nagios Server

Today i’ve found an interesting Article about setting up Nagios. This Webbased Monitor can observed through an Website on an Apache Server. Earlier i thought, that setting up an Nagios Server is difficult. But i’ve seen, that it is easy. I think i try it out.

(Author: Bill Keys via http://www.linuxsecurity.com; Thanks)


Nagios is a monitoring software designed to let you know about problems on your hosts and networks quickly. You can configure it to be used on any network. Setting up a Nagios server on any Linux distribution is a very quick process however to make it a secure setup it takes some work. This article will not show you how to install Nagios since there are tons of them out there but it will show you in detail ways to improve your Nagios security.

You may be wondering why should I need to think about securing my Nagios server? Well, think about the amount of information the attacker can get if they compromise it.

All the examples below assumes you are using Ubuntu. However these examples will help any user running a Nagios server to make it more secure since the concepts will still apply.

Web interface

If you installed Nagios with one of the quick start guides out there, chances are that you setup the web interface. Since Nagios uses Apache to display it there are many security options.

Below is an example of apache configuration for a Nagios web interface:

Options ExecCGI
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AuthName „Nagios Access“
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users
Require valid-user

The ‚Allow from‘ option is used to provide access to only a certain IP address and/or network. The above example allows any IP address to access the web interface. The other security options are used for authentication. ‚AuthType‘ defines the type of authentication being used. There are two types you can choose from Basic or Digest. Basic authentication will transmit your passwords and username as clear text. However using Digest the passwords are transmitted as MD5 digests which is more secure then in clear text.

After making some security improvement we get the below.

Options ExecCGI
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from 192.168.4.
AuthName „Nagios Access“
AuthType Digest
AuthDigestFile /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users
Require valid-user

Now only computers on the network can have access to the web interface. Also we are now using Digest authentication instead of the insecure method of Basic authentication.

Now we need to add users and passwords to allow accesses to the web interface. To add a new user using digest authentication use the below command:

# htdigest -c /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users realm username

Digest is more secure then Basic authentication but the best way keep your username and passwords safe is to use SSL.

Make sure that you restart apache if you make any configuration changes.

# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Best Practices

This sections lists some of the best security practices when setting up an Nagios server.

  • Don’t Run Nagios As Root
  • There should be an normal user called nagios. If Nagios is running as root then if Nagios gets compromised then the attacker can do anything they want to your system.

  • Lock Down The Check Result Directory
  • Make sure that only nagios has read/write access to the check result directory otherwise an attacker can send fake host and service checks. This directory is normal at /usr/local/nagios/var/spool/checkresults

  • Use Full Paths In Command Definitions
  • When defining commands, make sure to specify the full path and not the relative one to any scripts or binaries you’re executing.

  • Secure Remote Agents
  • Some example are NRPE, NSClient, and SNMP. Below we will look at steps to secure the NRPE remote agent.

Secure Remote agents

This sections we will look at ways you can make NRPE more secure. This remote agent is used to execute programs on an remote host for doing checks like the load or disk usage. Since we don’t want any programs or users being able to execute commands on our remote machines it’s important to spend some time to make NRPE more secure.

Since NRPE come with support for TCP wrappers we can define which hosts have access to it.

Example /etc/hosts.allow


This will allow only to be able to use this remote agent on this host. You should replace this with the IP address of your Nagios client. Note this should be used on both your Nagios server and client.

NRPE should never run as root or any other superusers it should only be run as a nagios user in the group nagios. In /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg you can check weather or not it’s running as nagios.

Example part of /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg


Another part of NRPE that can be a security hole is allowing command arguments. We don’t want attacks to send malicious arguments that can compromise our system. Some times we need to allow Nagios to send command arguments but if you don’t need it to be enable which most times they are not needed then you should definitely disable them.

To disable them edit /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg and make sure that you have the below line:


Make user you restart nrpe to if you make any changes to nrpe.cfg. For more information on how to secure NRPE please read the file called SECURITY in the packages source file.

Secure Communication channels

Any time you communicate over a network you should be thinking about how can I make this more secure. This is where SSL is needed.

NRPE allows you to enable it to use SSL but your package must have configured it with the –enable-ssl option. If NRPE is configured to use SSL note, both the client and the server instance must have it enabled to work.

Next we should also configure SSL so that we don’t send our web interfaces passwords in clear text.

# openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.3des-key 1024
# openssl rsa -in server.3des-key -out server.key
# openssl req -new -key server.key -x509 -out server.crt -days 365
# chmod 600 server.key
# rm server.3des-key
# mv server.crt /etc/ssl/
# mv server.key /etc/ssl/private/

Now that we have generated our certificate we need to tell Apache to use them.

In your Apache configuration you will need to add the SSLRequireSSL options for example:

Options ExecCGI
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from 192.168.4.
AuthName „Nagios Access“
AuthType Digest
AuthDigestFile /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users
Require valid-user

Remember to restart Apache.

# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Where to go from here?

Now you should feel confident that your Nagios server is more secure from attack. The next step is to just install security updates when they are released.


Updated package: kpassgen 0.5

Updated Package: kpassgen
Version: 0.5
Repository: KDE:KDE4:Community

New Package: kpassgen

Today i’ve released the kpassgen Package in KDE:KDE4:Community. It is planned to publish in Contrib too. Mehr von diesem Beitrag lesen

Netsecurify: Interview with Petko Petkov

Auf meinem openSUSE-Blog (http://lizards.opensuse.org/authors/saigkill) findet sich ein interessantes Interview mit Petko Petkov über Netsecurify. Special Thanks to Martin (node3000).

Saschas Backtrace: Interview with Petko D. Petkov on Netsecurify

Petko D. Petkov is one of the founding-members of the Gnucitizen-hacker-network. They work inbetween internet, computers and security and always have very interesting projects going on, for example the „House of Hackers“ a social-network for hackers and security experts. The Gnucitizen define themself as „a leading information security think tank, delivering solutions to local, national and international clients„.

Thier latest project is Netsecurify, an automated, webbased, remote testing tool, that enables security-testings of applications. One of the primary goal of the projects is not only to have a pioneering sort-of feeling, but foremost to support low-profit or non-profit organisations to have a robust and stable security-testing tools for free. They think of organisations, that otherwise would not be able to affort security experts and testing. We had a short interview with Petko D. Petkov on Netsecurify, their motivation, software design and overall goals.

What does the tool Netsecurify exactly do?

Netsecurify is a remote, automated, vulnerability assessment tool. The tool follows the SaaS (Software as a Service) model, i.e. it is a service which runs from Amazon’s scalable computing infrastructure. In it’s core, the tool performs several assessments, all based on open source technologies, and also provides recommendations through a flexible recommendation engine. The tool also allows 3rd-party organizations to enhance the reports.

Netsecurify is very simple to use. All the user has to do is to login and schedule a test for a particular network range. Once we approach the specified scheduled data, we run the test. When the test is done, the user is notified via email or by other means which we are working on at the moment. The user then logs in and downloads a copy of the report. For security reasons, the report is destroyed 30 days after it has been completed.

What was your motivation for starting the project?

The primarily motivation for starting this project is to provide free, quality, flexible, automated information security testing tool which can be employed by charity organizations, 3rd world countries, and in general, organizations and companies who cannot afford to spend money on security. Also, a huge motivational factor is the fact that no one has done a project like this. We are the first to do it. 🙂 This is pretty cool.

Who are the people behind the project and how is the project organized (agency, virtual, decentralized)?

Technically speaking, the people behind Netsecurify are GNUCITIZEN. However, we welcome anyone who is interested to join us and help us improve it. Because the testing engine is based on open source technologies which we have glued together and we are continually enhancing, we are planning to contribute back to the community everything that we do and as such close the circle of energy. In theory, this makes the entire security community part of the Netsecurify project.

What is the basic design concept and how do you think will the project develop and evolve?

We have a scalable backend and very easy to use and flexible frontend. In between we have several APIs which allow us to expand the service as we go. The tool hasn’t been just built from scratch. There was a lot of thought and design considerations put into this project before the actual code. We follow the KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid) principle. We find that this approach works quite well for us. In the future we are planning to continue simplifying and enhancing the product.

Do you have other projects planned, that will be coming at us in the future?

We always have. Expect to see more from the GNUCITIZEN team soon.

Thanks to Martin Wisniowsky (mw@node300.com)

Original Link to this Interview: http://digitaltools.node3000.com/5minutes/interview_with_petko_d_petkov_on_netsecurify_testing_tool.php

Saschas Backtrace (7): Neue NMAP Version draussen

Freude für alle, die gerne mal sehen, was auf anderen Computern los ist. Nachricht an nmap-hackers:

Hi Everyone. I’m delighted to report the release of Nmap 4.75, which
has almost 100 significant improvements since 4.68. Some which I’m
most excited about are:

o While Nmap stands for „Network Mapper“, it hasn’t been able to
actually draw you a map of the network–until now! Visit
http://nmap.org/book/zenmap-topology.html for details and pretty
pictures of Zenmap’s new Scan Topology system.

o I spent much of this summer scanning tens of millions of IPs on the
Internet (plus collecting data contributed by some enterprises) to
determine the most commonly open ports. Nmap now uses that
empirical data to scan more effectively.

And there is much more, from hundreds of new OS detection fingerprints
to many new Nmap Scripting Engine scripts and libraries. I had no
idea how many people still used Windows 2000 until 4.68 came out
broken on that platform and I was flooded with email! That is fixed
now. And its just one of many bug fixes and performance improvements
in this release. Remember that we had 7 Google SoC students working
full-time this summer, and this release includes some of their best

You can obtain Nmap 4.75 from the normal location:


Please give it a try! And if you encounter any problems, report them
to nmap-dev as described at http://nmap.org/book/man-bugs.html

Here is the detailed list of important 4.75 changes from

o [Zenmap] Added a new Scan Topology system. The idea is that if we
are going to call Nmap the „Network Mapper“, it should at least be
able to draw you a map of the network! And that is what this new
system does. It was achieved by integrating the RadialNet Nmap
visualization tool (http://www.dca.ufrn.br/~joaomedeiros/radialnet),
into Zenmap. Joao Medeiros has been developing RadialNet for more
than a year. For details, complete with some of the most beautiful
Zenmap screen shots ever, visit
http://nmap.org/book/zenmap-topology.html. The integration work was
done by SoC student Vladimir Mitrovic and his mentor David Fifield.

o [Zenmap] Another exciting new Zenmap feature is Scan Aggregation.
This allows you to visualize and analyze the results of multiple
scans at once, as if they were from one Nmap execution. So you might
scan one network, analyze the results a bit, then scan some of the
machines more intensely or add a completely new subnet to the
scan. The new results are seamlessly added to the old, as described
at http://nmap.org/book/zenmap-scanning.html#aggregation. [David,

o Expanded nmap-services to include information on how frequently each
port number is found open. The results were generated by scanning
tens of millions of IPs on the Internet this Summer, and augmented
with internal network data contributed by some large
organizations. [Fyodor]

o Nmap now scans the most common 1,000 ports by default in either
protocol (UDP scan is still optional). This is a decrease from
1,715 TCP ports and 1,488 UDP ports in Nmap 4.68. So Nmap is faster
by default and, since the port selection is better thanks to the
port frequency data, it often finds more open ports as
well. [Fyodor]

o Nmap fast scan (-F) now scans the top 100 ports by default in either
protocol. This is a decrease from 1,276 (TCP) and 1,017 (UDP) in
Nmap 4.68. Port scanning time with -F is generally an order of
magnitude faster than before, making -F worthy of its „fast scan“
moniker. [Fyodor]

o The –top-ports option lets you specify the number of ports you wish
to scan in each protocol, and will pick the most popular ports for
you based on the new frequency data. For both TCP and UDP, the top
10 ports gets you roughly half of the open ports. The top 1,000
(out of 65,536 possible) finds roughly 93% of the open TCP ports and
more than 95% of the open UDP ports. [Fyodor, Doug Hoyte]

o David integrated all of your OS detection fingerprint and correction
submissions from March 11 until mid-July. In the process we reached
the 1500-signature milestone for the 2nd generation OS detection
system. We can now detect the newest iPhones, Linux 2.6.25, OS X
Darwin 9.2.2, Windows Vista SP1, and even the Nintendo Wii. Nmap now
has 1,503 signatures, vs. 1,320 in 4.68. Integration is now faster
and more pleasant thanks to the new OSassist application developed
by Nmap SoC student Michael Pattrick. See
http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2008/q3/0089.html and
http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2008/q3/0139.html for more details.

o Nmap now works with Windows 2000 again, after being broken by our
IPv6 support improvements in version 4.65. A couple new dependencies
are required to run on Win2K, as described at
http://nmap.org/book/inst-windows.html#inst-win2k .

o [Zenmap] Added a context-sensitive help system to the Profile
Editor. You can now mouse-over options to learn more about what
they are used for and their proper argument syntax. [Jurand Nogiec]

o When Nmap finds a probe during ping scan which elicits a response,
it now saves that information for the port scan and later phases.
It can then „ping“ the host with that probe as necessary to collect
timing information even if the host is not responding to the normal
port scan packets. Previously, Nmap’s port scan timing pings could
only use information gathered during that port scan itself. A
number of other „port scan ping“ system improvements were made at
the same time to improve performance against firewalled hosts. For
full details, see http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2008/q3/0647.html
[David, Michael, Fyodor]

o –traceroute now uses the timing ping probe saved from host
discovery and port scanning instead of finding its own probe. The
timing ping probe is always the best probe Nmap knows about for
eliciting a response from a target. This will have the most effect
on traceroute after a ping scan, where traceroute would sometimes
pick an ineffective probe and traceroute would fail even though the
target was up. [David]

o Added dns-safe-recursion-port and dns-safe-recursion-txid
(non-default NSE scripts) which use the 3rd party dns-oarc.net
lookup to test the source port and transaction ID randomness of
discovered DNS servers (assuming they allow recursion at all).
These scripts, which test for the „Kaminsky“ DNS bugs, were
contributed by Brandon Enright.

o Added whois.nse, which queries the Regional Internet Registries
(RIRs) to determine who the target IP addresses are assigned
to. [Jah]

o [Zenmap] Overhauled the default list of scan profiles based on
nmap-dev discussion. Users now have a much more diverse and useful
set of default profile options. And if they don’t like any of those
canned scan commands, they can easily create their own in the
Profile Editor! [David]

o Fyodor made a number of performance tweaks, such as:
o increase host group sizes in many cases, so Nmap will now commonly
scan 64 hosts at a time rather than 30
o align host groups with common network boundaries, such as /24 or
o Increase maximum per-target port-scan ping frequency to one every
1.25 seconds rather than every five. Port scan pings happen
against heavily firewalled hosts and the like when Nmap is not
receiving enough responses to normal scan to properly calculate
timing variables and detect packet drops.

o Added a new NSE binlib library, which offers bin.pack() and
bin.unpack() functions for dealing with storing values in and
extracting them from binary strings. For details, see
http://nmap.org/book/nse-library.html#nse-binlib . [Philip

o Added a new NSE DNS library. See this thread:
http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2008/q3/0310.html [Philip Pickering]

o Added new NSE libraries for base64 encoding, SNMP, and POP3 mail
operations. They are described at
http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2008/q3/0233.html . [Philip Pickering]

o Added NSE scripts popcapa (retrieves POP3 server capabilities) and
brutePOP3 (brute force POP3 authentication cracker) which make use
of the new POP3 library. [Philip Pickering]

o Added the SNMPcommunitybrute NSE script, which is a brute force
community string cracker. Also modified SNMPsysdescr to use the new
SNMP library. [Philip Pickering]

o Fixed the SMTPcommands script so that it can’t return multiple
values (which was causing problems). Thanks to Jah for tracking down
the problem and sending a fix for SMTPcommands. Then Patrick fixed
NSE so it can handle misbehaving scripts like this without causing
mysterious side effects.

o Added a new NSE Unpwdb (username/password database) library for
easily obtaining usernames or passwords from a list. The functions
usernames() and passwords() return a closure which returns a new
list entry with every call, or nil when the list is exhausted. You
can specify your own username and/or password lists via the script
arguments userdb and passdb, respectively. [Kris]

o Nmap’s Nsock-utilizing subsystems (DNS, NSE, version detection) have
been updated to support the -S and –ip-options flags. [Kris]

o A new –max-rate option was added, which complements –min-rate. It
allows you to specify the maximum byte rate that Nmap is allowed to
send packets. [David]

o Added –ip-options support for the connect() scan (-sT). [Kris]

o Nsock now supports binding to a local address and setting IPv4
options with nsi_set_localaddr() and nsi_set_ipoptions(),
respectively. [Kris]

o Added IPProto Ping (-PO) support to Traceroute, and fixed support for
IPProto Scan (-sO) and the ICMP Pings (-PE, -PP, -PM) in Traceroute
as well. These could cause Nmap to hang during Traceroute. [Kris]

o [Zenmap] Added a „Cancel“ button for cancelling a scan in progress
without losing any Nmap output obtained so far. [Jurand Nogiec]

o Improve the netbios-smb-os-discovery NSE script to improve target
port selection and to also decode the system’s timestamp from an SMB
response. [Ron at SkullSecurity]

o Nmap now avoids collapsing large numbers of ports in open|filtered
state (e.g. just printing that 500 ports are in that state rather
than listing them individually) if verbosity or debugging levels are
greater than two. See this thread:
http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2008/q3/0312.html . [Fyodor]

o The NSE http library now supports chunked encoding. [Sven Klemm]

o The NSE datafiles library now has generic file parsing routines, and
the parsing of the standard nmap data files (e.g. nmap-services,
nmap-protocols, etc.) now uses those generic routines. NSE scripts
and libraries may find them useful for dealing with their own data
files, such as password lists. [Jah]

o Passed the big revision 10,000 milestone in the Nmap project SVN
server: http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2008/q3/0682.html

o Added some Windows and MinGW compatibility patches submitted by
Gisle Vanem.

o Improved nse_init so that compilation/runtime errors in NSE scripts
no longer cause the script engine to abort. [Patrick]

o Fix a cosmetic bug in –script-trace hex dump output which resulting
in bytes with the highest bit set being prefixed with ffffff. [Sven

o Removed the nselib-bin directory. The last remaining shared NSE
module, bit, has been made static by Patrick. Shared modules were
broken for static builds of Nmap, such as those in the RPMS. We also
had the compilation problems (particularly on OpenBSD) with shared
modules which lead us to make PCRE static a while back. [David]

o Updated rpcinfo NSE script to use the new pack/unpack (binlib)
functions, use the new tab library, include better documentation, and
fix some bugs. [Sven Klemm]

o Add useful details to the error message printed when an NSE script
fails to load (due to syntax error, etc.) [Patrick]

o Fix a bug in the NSE http library which would cause some scripts to
give the error: SCRIPT ENGINE: C:\Program
Files\Nmap\nselib/http.lua:77: attempt to call field ‚parse‘ (a nil
value) [Jah]

o Fixed a Makefile problem (race condition) which could lead to build
failures when launching make in parallel mode (e.g. -j4). [Michal

o Added new addrow() function to NSE tab library. It allows
developers to add a whole row at once rather than doing a separate
add() call for each column in a row. [Sven Klemm]

o Completion time estimates provided in verbose mode or when you hit a
key during scanning are now more accurate thanks to algorithm
improvements by David.

o Fixed a number of NSE scripts which used print_debug()
incorrectly. See
http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2008/q3/0470.html. [Sven Klemm].

o [Zenmap] The Ports/Hosts view now provides full version detection
values rather than just a simple summary. [Jurand Nogiec]

o [Zenmap] When you edit the command-entry field, then change the
target selection, Nmap no longer blows away your edits in favor of
using your current profile. [Jurand Nogiec]

o Nsock now returns data from UDP packets individually, preserving the
packet boundary, rather than concatenating the data from multiple
packets into a single buffer. This fixes a problem related to our
reverse-DNS system, which can only handle one DNS packet at a time.
Thanks to Tim Adam of ManageSoft for debugging the problem and
sending the patch. Doug Hoyte helped with testing, and it was
applied by Fyodor.

o [Zenmap] Fixed a crash which would occur when you try to compare two
files, either of which has more than one extraports element. [David]

o Added the undocumented (except here) –nogcc option which disables
global/group congestion control algorithms and so each member of a
scan group of machines is treated separately. This is just an
experimental option for now. [Fyodor]

o [Zenmap] The Ports/Hosts display now has different colors for open
and closed ports. [Vladimir]

o Fixed Zenmap so that it displays all Nmap errors. Previously, only
stdout was redirected into the window, and not stderr. Now they are
both redirected. [Vladimir]

o NSE can now be used in combination with ping scan (e.g. „-sP
–script“) so that you can execute host scripts without needing to
perform a port scan. [Kris]

o [NSE] Category names are now case insensitive. [Patrick]

o [NSE] Each thread for a script now gets its own action closure (and
upvalues). See: http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2008/q2/0549.html

o [NSE] The script_scan_result structure has been changed to a class,
ScriptResult, which now holds a Script’s output in an std::string.
This removes the need to use malloc and free to manage this memory.
A similar change was made to the run_record structure. [Patrick]

o [NSE] Fixed a socket exhaustion deadlock which could prevent a
script scan from ever finishing. Now, rather than limit the total
number of sockets which can be open, we limit the number of scripts
which can have sockets open at once. And once a script has one
socket opened, it is permitted to open as many more as it
needs. [Patrick]

o A hashing library (code from OpenSSL) was added to NSE. hashlib
contains md5 and sha1 routines. [Philip Pickering]

o Fixed host discovery probe matching when looking at the returned TCP
data in an ICMP error message. This could formerly lead to
incorrectly discarded responses and the debugging error message:
„Bogus trynum or sequence number in ICMP error message“ [Kris]

o Fixed a segmentation fault in Nsock which occurred when calling
nsock_write() with a data length of -1 (which means the data is a
NUL-terminated string and Nsock should take the length itself) and
the Nsock trace level was at least 2. [Kris]

o The NSE Comm library now defaults to trying to read as many bytes as
are available rather than lines if neither the „bytes“ nor „lines“
options are given. Thanks to Brandon for reporting a problem which
he noticed in the dns-test-open-recursion script. [Kris]

o Updated zoneTrans.nse to replace length bytes in returned domain
names to periods itself rather than relying on NSE’s old behavior of
replacing non-printable characters with periods. Thanks to Rob
Nicholls for reporting the problem. [Kris]

o Some Zenmap crashes have been fixed: trying to „refresh“ the output
of a scan loaded from a file, and trying to re-save a file loaded
from the command line in some circumstances. [David]

o [Zenmap] The file selector now remembers what directory it was last
looking at. [David]

o Added an extra layer of validity checking to received packets
(readip_pcap), just to be extra safe. See
http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2008/q3/0644.html . [Kris]

o Zenmap defaults to showing files matching both *.xml and *.usr in
the file selector. Previously it only showed those matching *.usr.
The new combined format will be XML and .usr will be deprecated.
See http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2008/q3/0093.html .

o Nmap avoids printing the sending rate in bytes per second during a
TCP connect scan. Because the number of bytes per probe is not
known, it used to print current sending rates: 11248.85 packets / s,
0.00 bytes / s. Now it will print simply print rates like „11248.85
packets / s“. [David]

o [Zenmap] Nmap’s installation process now include .desktop files
which install menu items for launching Zenmap as a privileged or
non-privileged process on Linux. This will mainly effect people who
install nmap and Zenmap directly from the source code. [Michael]

o Improved performance of IP protocol scan by fixing a bug related to
timing calculations on ICMP probe responses. See r8754 svn log for
full details. [David]

o Nmap –reason output no longer falsely reports a localhost-response
during -PN scans. See
http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2008/q3/0188.html. [Michael]

o [Zenmap] The higwidgets Python package has moved so it is now a
subpackage of zenmapGUI. This avoids naming conflicts with Umit,
which uses a slightly different version of higwidgets. [David]

o A bug that could cause some host discovery probes to be incorrectly
interpreted as drops was fixed. This occurred only when the IP
protocol ping (-PO) option was combined with other ping
types. [David]

o A new scanflags attribute has been added to XML output, which lists
all user specified –scanflags for the scan. nmap.dtd has been
modified to account for this. [Michael]

o The loading of the nmap-services file has been made much
faster–roughly 9 times faster in common cases. This is important
for the new (much larger) frequency augmented nmap-services
file. [David]

o Added a script (ASN.nse) which uses Team Cymru’s DNS interface to
determine the routing AS numbers of scanned IP addresses. They even
set up a special domain just for Nmap queries. The script is still
experimental and non-default. [Jah, Michael]

o [Zenmap] Clicking „Cancel“ in a file chooser in the diff interface
no longer causes a crash. [David]

o The shtool build helper script has been updated to version 2.0.8. An
older version of shutil caused installation to fail when the locale
was set to et_EE. Thanks to Michal Januszewski for the bug
report. [David]

o [Zenmap] Removed services.dmp and os_dmp.dmp and all the files that
referred to them. They are not needed with the new search
interface. Also removed an unused search progress bar. And some
broken fingerprint submission code. Yay for de-bloating! [David]

o [Zenmap] Added „%F“ to the Exec link in the new Zenmap desktop
file. We expect (hope) that this will allow dragging and dropping
XML files onto the icon. [David]

o [Zenmap] The -o[XGASN] options can now be specified, just as you can
at the console. [Vladimir]

o [Zenmap] You can now shrink the scan window below its default
size thanks to NmapOutputViewer code enhancements. [David]

o [Zenmap] Removed optional use of the Psyco Python optimizer since
Zenmap is not the kind of CPU-bound application which benefits from

o [Zenmap] You can now select more than one host in the „Ports /
Hosts“ view by control-clicking them in the column at left.

o [Zenmap] The profile editor now offers the –traceroute option.

o Zenmap now uses Unicode objects pervasively when dealing with Nmap
text output, though the only internationalized text Nmap currently
outputs is the user’s time zone. [David]

o Unprintable characters in NSE script output (which really shouldn’t
happen anyway) are now printed like \xHH, where HH is the
hexadecimal representation of the character. See
http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2008/q3/0180.html . [Patrick]

o Nmap sometimes sent packets with incorrect IP checksums,
particularly when sending the UDP probes in OS detection. This has
been fixed. Thanks to Gisle Vanem for reporting and investigating the
bug. [David]

o Fixed the –without-liblua configure option so that it works
again. [David]

o In the interest of forward compatibility, the xmloutputversion
attribute in Nmap XML output is no longer constrained to be a
certain string („1.02“). The xmloutputversion should be taken as
merely advisory by authors of parsers.

o Zenmap no longer leaves any temporary files lying around. [David]

o Nmap only prints an uptime guess in verbose mode now, because in
some situations it can be very inaccurate. See the discussion at
http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2008/q3/0392.html. [David]

Enjoy the release!