bleachbit 0.6.5: Packaged for openSUSE

I’m pleased to announce, that i’ve released the openSUSE Version for bleachbit 0.6.5.

Changes Since 0.6.4:
* Vacuum Google Chrome
* Delete Google Chrome 3’s history
* Clean Emesene cache
* Clean Adanaxis, Gnome Art Manager, Notify OSD, PDFedit, Phatch, PlayOnLinux, system logs, Virt-manager, and X-Moto (all part of the new bonus cleaners package)
* Add a portable package for Windows
* Update 18 translations
* Fix bugs
* Expand the unit tests significantly

The openSUSE Packages are available in:  openSUSE:Factory:Contrib.

Über saigkill
openSUSE Ambassador, openSUSE Marketing Team, Weekly News Team, openFATE Screening Team and BuildService.

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